Sunday, June 8, 2008

How does ACF Rental Cash Flow help me in filing tax return?

In the system, the income and the expenses you entered are by tax categories. The system totals the income and expenses for the tax year for each property. You simply carry them onto schedule E, or into tax software.

Or if you use an accountant, you may choose to use "export to file" feature, and forward to your accountant the Excel file or HTML file. This feature may help to save you $$$ on accountant fees.

Receiving and returning of security deposits do not have tax consequences. In CA, you return the full amount plus interest to the tenant when after the tenant moved out. If you use a portion of the security deposit for cleaning fees or late fees, you need to enter them as income.

For depreciation items, if you use a tax software, you enter each of them to the tax software. The tax software should calculate it based on the nature of the item, the depreciation method used, and the property location (e.g. Gulf Opportunity Zone). If you use accountant, he/she will figure this out for you. Please refer to IRS publication 527 for detail.

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